DIAL has a firm commitment to quality. Since its inception, has based all its works and projects on the fulfillment of the following premises::
Commitment to comply with all requirements, whether legal, contractual or otherwise, that are applicable to us because of our activity, both in the field of performance of our processes, as in the field of environmental and health and safety of workers, so that our action in no case can contravene the legal requirements and specifications established by the various public administrations.
Commitment to carry out our work within a management environment that guarantees continuous improvement in our processes, in the performance of workers’ health and safety, in our methods of action and in our relations with interested parties, through the establishment and periodic review of our quality, environmental and safety objectives, as well as the health of our workers.
Commitment to protect the environment and our environment, through actions and measures aimed at preventing any type of pollution that may arise from operations due to our activity.
Commitment to prevent damage and deterioration of the health of our workers.
Commitment to promote an understanding and dissemination of our policy of quality, environment and safety, as well as the health of workers within our organization, through training and ongoing communication with our workers and all companies working for or on behalf of DIAL.
Commitment to effectively control all our processes.
Commitment to make available to the general public our policy of quality, environment and health and safety of workers, for their knowledge, and to disseminate it among all staff of the organization or those who work for us.